Nancy Schilling, CPDT-KA
Nancy Schilling, CPDT-KA, has been a DTCCC instructor since 2007 and has been teaching Agility classes since 2014. Nancy’s current dogs include a Carolina Dog and two Border Collies and has trained, competed, and titled with them in Rally-O, Treibball, Nosework, Barn Hunt, Tricks, Agility.
Nancy has attended many training seminars/workshops for her continued learning. Most notable, her successful completion of all 5 of Bob Bailey’s 40-hour Operant Conditioning Workshops.
Nancy’s a charter member of NATE (National Association of Treibball Enthusiasts). She led the Competition Committee co-writing NATE’s original handbook.
Currently, agility is Nancy’s training and competing passion. Nancy’s BC, Zuzu, has earned her AKC MACH 4, and USDAA ADCH Bronze, PDCH, and Lifetime Achievement Award-Bronze. Nancy’s young BC, Fae, started competition December 2018 and is currently competing in AKC and USDAA Masters and UKI Senior level.
Agility is always evolving. Nancy is committed to staying on top of current training and handling practices to improve her skills and pass along to students. She regularly trains with some of the world’s best handlers/trainers. Nancy’s biggest influence is OneMind Dogs. She has OMD instructor certification for Foundations, and Handling Techniques 1 and 2. In March 2020, she attended OMD Instructor Training for Handling Techniques 3 and 4 and is presently completing the final certification tests. ( OMD’s approach to handling considers the dog’s perspective, striving to help handlers communicate in a way their dog understands naturally. Nancy loves being an agility instructor and sharing all she learns with her students.